Pasted image 20231103113406.pngSee Osteogenesis imperfecta


  • Compare with ligaments, which are made of elastin.
  • Ligaments attach bone to bone, and tendons attach muscle to bone.
  • Connect presence of elastin with Marfan syndrome
    • FBN1 can disrupt the normal regulation of TGF-β Tall stature
    • Skin Skin hyperextensibility
    • Large arteries aortic dilation, aneurysms, or dissection
    • Elastic ligaments Joint hypermobility
    • Lung Increased risk of spontaneous pneumothorax

Pasted image 20231103113610.png Pasted image 20231103114042.pngDeficient in vascular type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (threE D).

Pasted image 20231103115129.pngPasted image 20231103115143.pngSee Goodpasture syndrome