


Clinical features




Osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS)

  • Definition: damage to the myelin sheath of the white matter in the CNS caused by a sudden rise in serum osmolality
    • Central pontine myelinolysis
      • Most common type
      • Affects the central region of the pons
  • Causes
    • Iatrogenic: rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia
    • Rapid changes in other osmotically active solutes (e.g., glucose)
  • Clinical features
    • Symptoms first develop several days after the correction of hyponatremia.
    • There can be a wide range of symptoms, depending on the degree and location of demyelination.
    • Central pontine myelinolysis
      • Altered level of consciousness, including coma
      • Locked-in syndrome
      • Impaired cranial nerve function: dysarthria, dysphagia, and diplopia
      • Worsening quadriparesis (initially flaccid, later spastic)
        • As a result of corticospinal fiber (UMN) involvement in the basilar pons