
  • Typical age of onset: bimodal distribution with one peak at 15–35 years and another one at 55–70 years


Compared with Ulcerative colitis, which peaks at 15-35 y/o.

  • Populations with higher prevalence
    • Individuals of Northern European descent
    • Individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent


  • Risk factors
    • Familial aggregation
    • Genetic predisposition (e.g., mutation of the NOD2 gene, HLA-B27 association)
    • Tobacco smoke


  • Nicotine consumption is the only (known) controllable risk factor for CD. Therefore, smoking cessation is especially important in patients with CD.
  • While smoking is a protective factor in Ulcerative colitis


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  • Transmural inflammation: all mucosal layers of the intestinal wall are involved
    • Noncaseating granulomasL1282.jpgPasted image 20231026112648.png

Clinical features

Constitutional symptoms

  • Low-grade fever
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue

Gastrointestinal symptoms

CD most commonly affects the terminal ileum and colon, but involvement of any part of the GI tract (from mouth to anus) is possible. In contrast to ulcerative colitis, rectal involvement is uncommon.

  • Chronic diarrhea, typically nonbloody, watery
  • Lower gastrointestinal bleeding (uncommon)
    • microscopic (i.e., identified only on stool analysis) or overt
  • Abdominal pain, typically in the RLQ
  • Palpable abdominal mass in the RLQ
    • Due to adhesions within the intestine caused by inflammationPasted image 20231026105145.png
  • Features of CD complications
    • Malabsorption (e.g., weight loss, anemia, failure to thrive)
      • Since ulcerative colitis does not affect the small intestine, absorption of nutrients is not impaired. However, loss of appetite, poor tolerance of or avoidance of certain foods, and adjustment of diet without medical consultation can lead to malnutrition already in nonsevere disease.
    • Enterocutaneous or perianal fistulas, often associated with abscess formation


Anemia in CD may result from chronic disease, iron deficiency, and/or vitamin B12 deficiency.

Extraintestinal symptoms

  • Joints
    • Enteropathic arthritis
  • Eyes
    • Uveitis
    • Iritis
    • Episcleritis
  • Oral mucosa
    • Oral aphthae
    • Pyostomatitis vegetans
  • Skin
    • Erythema nodosum
    • Acrodermatitis enteropathica
    • Pyoderma gangrenosum: a neutrophilic dermatosisPasted image 20231026110846.png
      • Associated with various conditions (e.g., IBD, rheumatoid arthritis, and trauma)
      • Manifests with very painful, rapidly-progressive, red spots that can change into purulent pustules or deep ulcerated lesions with central necrosis
      • Commonly located at extensor side of the lower limbs
      • Treated with immunosuppressants (e.g., corticosteroids, cyclosporine A)



  • Indication: all patients with suspected CD
    • Assesses the distribution and severity of the disease
    • Aids differentiation of CD from other diseases (e.g., ulcerative colitis)
    • Monitors disease activity (e.g., active disease, remission)
    • Can be used therapeutically (e.g., stricture dilatation)
  • Supportive findings
    • Skip lesions: segmental and/or discontinuous pattern of involvement (interspersed with normal tissue)
    • Linear and/or serpiginous ulcerations Pasted image 20231026112109.png
    • Small aphthous ulcerations
    • Cobblestone sign: inflamed edematous sections interspersed with deep ulcerations that resemble cobblestones Pasted image 20231026112246.png
    • Erythema, fissures, strictures, and fistulas

Laboratory studies

  • To monitor disease activity
    • Fecal calprotectin and/or fecal lactoferrin: proteins associated with neutrophil activation
      • Used as noninvasive markers of intestinal inflammation to monitor disease activity and response to therapy
      • Also used to differentiate IBD from irritable bowel syndrome
    • Inflammatory markers: CRP, ESR


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Fistulizing CD

  • Occur in one-third of patients with CD
  • Typically involve the perianal regionPasted image 20231026113426.png

Other intestinal complications

Systemic complications