Renal elimination: mostly hydrophilic drugs

  • Main renal elimination mechanisms in lar secretion
    • Tubular reabsorption
  • <span style=“background:rgb| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |obarbital, methotrexate, aspirin) are trappe verdoses with these drugs can be treated via alkalinization of urine ( Glutamate [E] → NMDA recepCa2+ Ca2+ & Na<supH+ influx )
    • Weak basic drugs (e.g., tricyclic antidepressants, amphetamines) are trapped in an acidic environment
      • Overd be treated via acidification of urine (ammonium chloride)
      • RNH3+ (trapped form) ⇄ RNH2 + H+ (lipid of tricyclic antidepressants, which are basic, can be increased by acidification of urine, but toxicity is generally bonate.
  • Neutral substances can be reabsorbed.

Biliary elimination

  • <span style=“backgroun d hydrophilic substances
  • Lipophilic substances that have undergone biliary elimination may be in in bile (enterohepatic circulation)

Pulmonary elimination: primarily in inhaledH+nesthetic drugs

Ch =“background:rgba(240, 200, 0, 0.2)”>↓ Tubular secretion and ↓ GFR → ↑ concentrations of drugs ly, lower therapeutic doses should be considered in elderly individuals.