See also Lipid-lowering agents

Key Points

  • TG
    • Energy reserve
    • Synthesized in liver and adipocytes
    • Stored in adipocytes
  • Cholesterol
    • Incorporated in all cell membranes in the lipid bilayer: increases membrane fluidity and stability
    • Precursor for synthesis of:
      • Steroid hormones (e.g., androgens, estrogens, mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids)
      • Bile acids
      • Vitamin D
    • Transport in blood via lipoproteins
      • From the intestine to the liver: together with TAGs in chylomicrons
      • From the liver to peripheral tissues: via VLDL and LDL
      • From peripheral tissues to the liver (reverse cholesterol transport): via HDL and IDL
  • HDL
    • Transport cholesterol from peripheral tissues (e.g., atherosclerotic arteries) to the liver (reverse cholesterol transport), where it is excreted (e.g., via bile)
  • LDL
    • Transport cholesterol from the liver to peripheral tissues and arteries
  • VLDL
    • Transport hepatic triglycerides from the liver to peripheral tissues
  • Chylomicron
    • Secreted by the intestinal epithelial cells into lymphatics
    • Transport dietary triglycerides from the intestine to peripheral tissues

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