
  • Drugs: acetazolamide


  • Isolated proximal RTA: The proximal convoluted tubule cells are unable to reabsorb HCO3-.
  • Fanconi syndrome: Impaired reabsorption of HCO3- and other compounds (e.g., potassium, glucose, phosphate, and amino acid reabsorption) in the PCT

Clinical features

  • Vitamin D-resistant hypophosphatemic rickets/osteomalacia (caused by phosphaturia and hypophosphatemia; individuals with Fanconi syndrome typically have more severe symptoms)
  • Short stature
  • Polyuria → polydipsia, dehydration


Excessive tubular glucose impairs renal concentrating ability by acting as an osmotic diuretic, contributing to development of polyuria (eg, more wet diapers) and episodes of hypovolemia .  However, plasma glucose is tightly regulated by mechanisms (eg, insulin, glucagon) independent of renal reabsorption.  Therefore, serum glucose remains normal.


  • Fanconi syndrome
    • Aminoaciduria
    • Glucosuria despite normal or low serum glucose
    • Phosphaturia

Differential diagnosis

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