
  • Most common malignant skin tumor


  • Intermittent UV exposure is the most significant risk factor
    • As opposed to cumulative UV exposure, which is a recognized risk factor for cSCC.


Clinical features

  • Nonhealing well-circumscribed pearly papule, nodule, or plaque with rolled borders, telangiectasia, and/or central umbilicationPasted image 20240410164015.png
  • Typically located in areas with sun exposure; most commonly on the face and neck
  • Often painless
  • Lesions gradually increase in size (indolent growth)
  • Metastasizes rarely (< 1%); if lack of treatment, can spread to lymph nodes, soft tissue, lungs, and bone


Nodular basal cell carcinomahighresdefault_L45629.png

  • Papule or nodule with the following:
    • Pink or skin-colored papule, shiny with a pearl-like appearance
    • Rolled borders
    • Central depression, erosion, or ulceration (rodent ulcer)
    • Superficial telangiectasias with arborizing pattern (tree-like branching)
  • Most commonly located on the face, especially the nose

Superficial basal cell carcinoma

  • Thin and scaly
  • Raised border with a pearl-like appearance
  • Most commonly located on the trunk and legs


  • Pathology
    • Palisading nuclei: Nuclei appear aligned.highresdefault_L88727.jpg
