Definition: percentage of the glomerular filtered sodium (NaFiltered) that is eventually excreted in the urine (NaExcreted)


  • Can help establish the cause of acute kidney injury
  • Can help distinguish between renal and extrarenal etiology in hypotonic hyponatremia (see “Diagnostic approach to hyponatremia”)



  • In acute kidney injury
    • Low FeNa (< 1%): indicates a prerenal cause (renal hypoperfusion)
    • High FeNa (> 2%): indicates an intrarenal etiology (e.g., acute tubular necrosis)
    • Inconclusive FeNa (1–2%): can be seen with either disorder
  • In hypotonic hyponatremia
    • Low FeNa (< 1%): extrarenal cause
    • High FeNa (> 1%): renal cause