Developmental milestones

AgeGross MotorFine MotorLanguageSocial/Cognitive
1 yearPulls to stand, CruisesPincer graspSays “mama” or “dada”, Understands “no”Plays “pat-a-cake”, Looks for hidden object
15 monthsTakes a few stepsStacks 2 blocksSays 1 or 2 words (plus “mama” & “dada”)Follows 1-step command with gesture, Points to get something, Shows affection
18 monthsWalks easily, Climbs on/off chairScribbles, Feeds with fingersSays ≥3 words (plus “mama” & “dada”)Follows 1-step command without gesture, Imitates
2 yearsRuns, Kicks ball, Walks up stairsUses spoonSays 2-word phrases, Knows 2 body partsParallel play
30 monthsJumps, Removes clothesTurns pagesSays ≥50 wordsFollows 2-step command, Knows 1 color
3 yearsWalks up stairs alternating feet, Rides tricycleDresses with help, Uses forkCopies circle, Says ≥3-word sentences, Speech 75% intelligibleKnows age/sex, Plays with other children