
  • Peak incidence: 40–60 years


  • Risk factors
    • Recurrent trauma (e.g., use of pneumatic tools used in construction, manual labor)
    • Alcohol abuse
    • Liver cirrhosis


  • Dupuytren contracture (palmar fibromatosis) is a fibroproliferative disorder of the palmar fascia
  • Injury (trauma/ischemia) to the palmar fascia triggers myofibroblasts → fibroblast proliferation and collagen (collagen type III) deposition → thickening of the palmar fascia → formation of nodules in the palmar fascia
  • The nodules are adherent to the overlying dermis → characteristic puckering of palmar skin

Clinical features

  • The 4th and 5th fingers are most commonly involved
  • Skin puckering near the proximal flexor crease: earliest sign highresdefault_L33809.png
  • Palmar nodule
  • Palmar cords
  • Flexion contracture of affected fingers

