

  • Intrauterine risk factors: infants born to mothers with diabetes


  • Failed spiraling of the aorticopulmonary septum → RV emptying into the aorta and LV into the pulmonary artery → complete isolation of the pulmonary and systemic circuits → ↓ oxygenated blood entering the systemic circulation
  • Fatal, unless mixing occurs via an intracardiac shunt (e.g., PFO, VSD, ASD) or via an extracardiac connection (e.g., PDA)

Clinical features


  • Chest x-ray: narrow mediastinum ± cardiomegaly (“egg on a string”)
    • The enlarged, globular heart resembles an egg lying on its side.
    • The string represents the narrow superior mediastinum due to stress-induced thymic atrophy and hyperinflated lungs.Pasted image 20240407203434.png
  • Hyperoxia test: little to no ↑ in arterial oxygenation with 100% O2
  • Echocardiography typically confirmatory
