Approach to headaches

Sex predilectionFemale > maleMale > femaleFemale > male
Family historyOften present±None
OnsetVariableDuring sleep or similar timing dailyUnder stress
LocationOften unilateralBehind one eyeBand-like pattern around the head (bilateral)
CharacterPulsatile & throbbingExcruciating, sharp & steadyDull, tight & persistent
Duration4-72 hr15-180 min30 min to months/years
Associated symptomsPhotophobia, phonophobia & nausea, ± auraIpsilateral autonomic symptoms: Ipsilateral sweating, facial flushing, nasal congestion, pupillary changes & lacrimationMuscle tenderness in the head, neck, or shoulders

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Cluster headache

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  • Quickly developing (within minutes), short, recurring attacks that usually occur in a cyclical pattern (“cluster periods”)
    • May become chronic (less common), with interruptions of less than three months between cluster bouts
    • Attacks often wake patients up during sleep.
    • This clustering may suggest involvement of the hypothalamus, which regulates circadian rhythms.