
Differential diagnosis

CharacteristicOsteoarthritis (OA)Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Age of onset>50 years30-50 years
Cause”Wear and tear” or trauma causing cartilage deteriorationAutoimmune inflammatory reaction against synovium
Primary joints affectedWeight-bearing joints (hips, knees), DIP, CMC of thumbPIP, MCP, ankle, elbow, wrist; spares DIP
Atlantoaxial subluxation
Joint characteristicsHard and bonySoft, warm, and tender
Pain patternWorse during or after activityWorse in the morning or with inactivity
Stiffness<30 minutes in morning, worse with activity>30 minutes in morning, worse with inactivity
Joint symmetryOften asymmetric, reflecting use patternsTypically symmetric, diffuse involvement
Lab findingsNormal rheumatoid factor, normal anti-CCP antibody, normal ESR and CRPPositive rheumatoid factor, positive anti-CCP antibody, elevated ESR and CRP
Associated signsHeberden’s nodes (DIP), Bouchard’s nodes (PIP)Ulnar deviation, boutonniere deformity, swan-neck deformity
Systemic involvementNonePotential pulmonary and cardiac disease
Gender predilectionNone2x more common in females
X-ray findingsOsteophytes, subchondral sclerosis, asymmetric joint space narrowingSymmetric joint space loss, osteopenia, “apple coring” bone erosion
Exam findingsEffusion, tendernessEffusion, tenderness, redness, warmth, synovitis

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Follow a stepwise approach to treatment: Start with nonpharmacological management, followed by pharmacological and/or surgical treatment if needed.

  • Nonpharmacological management: e.g., exercise and weight loss
  • Pharmacotherapy
    • First line: e.g., topical or oral NSAIDs
    • Second line: e.g., acetaminophen or intraarticular glucocorticoid injections
  • Surgical management: e.g., complete or partial joint replacement (arthroplasty) using an endoprosthesis


Pharmacotherapy should only be used as a short-term treatment in symptomatic patients; long-term therapy is associated with many adverse effects.