
  • AMD is the leading cause of blindness in individuals > 65 years in developed countries.
    • Age of onset: usually > 55 years


  • Risk factors
    • Advanced age
    • Cardiovascular disease
    • Smoking


AMD is characterized by progressive degenerative changes in the central part of the retina (macula) → visual impairment.

  • Dry AMD (∼ 90%)
    • Also referred to as nonexudative AMD or atrophic AMD
    • Deposition of yellow-whitish material consisting of lipids, vitronectin, and other proteins (drusen) in the retinal pigment epithelium and between it and Bruch membrane → slow progressive atrophy of the local retinal pigment epithelium (centrally or pericentrally)
  • Wet AMD (∼ 10%)
    • Also referred to as exudative AMD or neovascular AMD
    • Choroidal neovascularization (between the retinal pigment epithelium and Bruch’s membrane) → leaking of intravascular serous fluid and blood → sudden localized elevation of the macula and/or detachment of the retinal pigment epithelium
      • Hemorrhages can cause sudden loss of vision.

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Clinical features

  • Painless central or pericentral visual impairment → reduced visual acuity, difficulty adapting to changes in lighting
    • Dry AMD: slow progressive visual impairment (usually over decades) and unilateral or bilateral onset
    • Wet AMD: acute or insidious onset (over weeks to months) and usually manifests in one eye first
  • Metamorphopsia: type of visual distortion in which straight lines appear wavy, which can be tested for using an Amsler grid
  • Scotoma (blind spot)


  • Amsler grid: detection of metamorphopsias and scotomas
  • Fundoscopy
    • Dry AMD
      • Drusen Pasted image 20240114102754.png
    • Wet AMD
      • Subretinal and intraretinal hemorrhage and/or exudatePasted image 20240114102843.png


  • Treatment of wet AMD
    • First-line: injection of VEGF inhibitors (ranibizumab, bevacizumab, pegaptanib) into the vitreous body


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