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  • Definition: syndrome characterized by defective development of the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches leading to hypoplastic thymus and parathyroids
  • Etiology: autosomal dominant; microdeletion at chromosome 22 (22q11.2)
  • Clinical features Pasted image 20231217165656.png
    • Cardiac anomalies
    • Anomalous face
      • Prominent nasal bridge
      • Hypoplastic wing of the nose
      • Dysplastic ears
      • Micrognathia (small lower jaw) and/or retrognathia
    • Thymus aplasia/hypoplasia: recurrent infections (viral/fungal/PCP pneumonia) due to T-cell deficiency
    • Cleft palate
    • Hypoparathyroidism: hypocalcemia with tetany
  • Diagnosis
    • Detection of 22q11.2 deletion via fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
    • ↓ PTH and Ca2+
    • ↓ Absolute T-lymphocyte count
    • Delayed hypersensitivity skin testing
    • CXR: absence of thymic shadowL14006.png


CATCH-22 is the acronym for typical features of DiGeorge syndrome: Cardiac anomalies; Anomalous face; Thymic aplasia/hypoplasia; Cleft palate; Hypocalcemia; Chromosome 22.