
  • Acting out: Expressing unacceptable feelings through actions
  • Denial: Behaving as if an aspect of reality does not exist
  • Displacement: Transferring feelings to less threatening object/person
  • Intellectualization: Focusing on nonemotional aspects to avoid distressing feelings
  • Passive aggression: Avoiding conflict by expressing hostility covertly
  • Projection: Attributing one’s own feelings to others
  • Rationalization: Justifying behavior to avoid difficult truths
    • Common in OCD
  • Reaction formation: Transforming unacceptable feelings/impulses into the opposite
  • Regression: Reverting to earlier developmental stage
  • Splitting: Experiencing a person/situation as either all positive or all negative
Be bad to others
Feeling is from someone elseDisplacement
Feeling is from selfProjection
Be good to others
Not beneficial to societyReaction formation
Beneficial to societySublimation
Escaping from an idea
Not intentionally (subconsciously)Repression


Immature mechanisms are all before “S”, because they are not strong enough…


  • Sublimation: Channeling impulses into socially acceptable behaviors
  • Suppression: Putting unwanted feelings aside to cope with reality