Type I (slow twitch)Type II (fast twitch)
ActionSustained force (e.g., posture)Rapid bursts (e.g., heavy weightlifting)
Activity typeEndurance (aerobic)Resistance (anaerobic)
Force generatedLowHigh
Resistance to fatigueHighLow
Lipid contentHighLow
Glycogen contentLowHigh
Mitochondrial contentHighLow
Energy metabolismOxidativeGlycolytic
ColorRed (high myoglobin)Pale red/white (low myoglobin)
PrototypeSoleus muscle of the lower leg and paraspinal muscles of the backTriceps


“Too (2) fast to last; light and white, no air to spare.” The most important features of type 2 skeletal muscle fibers are fast-twitching, short-term activity, white appearance, and anaerobic glycolysis (no air).