
4Ts of Postpartum Hemorrhage: Tone, Trauma, Tissue, Thrombin.

Abnormal placental separation (Tissue)

Retained placenta

  • Definition
    • Retention of the placental tissue inside the uterine cavity following the first 30 min postpartum.
  • Risk factors
    • Prior history of retained placenta (most common)
    • Placenta previa
    • Placenta accreta spectrum
  • Clinical features
    • Main feature: severe bleeding before placental delivery
    • Physical examination
      • Inability to completely separate the placenta during the third stage of labor
      • Speculum inspection: visualization of placental fragments or fetal membranes within the uterus

Abnormal placentation



  • Active management of the third stage of labor: delivery of the placenta which involves the following components
    • Uterotonic agents (IV/IM oxytocin)
    • Controlled umbilical cord traction (Brandt-Andrews maneuver)
    • External compression of the uterus and bimanual uterine massage