
  • Most common viable autosomal chromosome aberration (∼ 1:700 live births) and most common genetic cause of cognitive impairment
  • The risk of a Down syndrome pregnancy increases with maternal age.
    • Incidence at 20 years: ∼ 1:2000
    • Incidence at 45 years: ∼ 1:30


Full trisomy 21 (∼ 95% of cases)

  • Definition: three complete copies of chromosome 21 are present in all cells, with a total of 47 chromosomes
  • Pathogenesis: meiotic nondisjunction
  • Karyotype: ♀: 47,XX,+21 or ♂: 47,XY,+21

Translocation trisomy 21 (3–4% of cases)

  • Definition: three copies of chromosome 21 are present, one of which is attached to another chromosome, usually chromosome 14 (less likely attached to chromosomes 13, 15, or 22)
  • Pathogenesis and karyotype
    • Balanced Robertsonian translocation: translocation of the long arm of chromosome 21 to the long arm of chromosome 14. Not symptomatic, but can affect future generationsPasted image 20240214223619.png
    • Unbalanced Robertsonian translocation: clinical features of trisomy 21 caused by inheritance of a translocation chromosome and a normal chromosomePasted image 20240214223629.png

Mosaic trisomy 21 (1–2% of cases)

  • Definition: two cell lines are present, the trisomy 21 cell line and the normal cell line
  • Phenotypic expression varies according to the ratio of healthy to trisomic cells.


Clinical features

Facial and cranial features (craniofacial dysmorphia)

  • Eyes
    • Upward-slanting palpebral fissures
    • Epicanthal foldsPasted image 20240412111650.png
    • Ocular hypertelorism: a distance between the eyes greater than the 95th percentile
    • Brushfield spots: an aggregation of connective tissue in the periphery of the iris, visible as white or grayish-brown spots.Pasted image 20240412111721.png
  • Hypoplastic nasal bones, broad and flat nasal bridge

Extremities, soft tissue, and skeletal features

  • Extremities
    • Transverse palmar crease: single crease that runs across the palm, along the metacarpophalangeal joints perpendicular to the fingers
    • Sandal gap: a medial displacement of the first toe leading to a large space between the first and second toes Pasted image 20231228164533.png
    • Clinodactyly: abnormal curvature of a finger (typically refers to inward curvature of the 5th finger)Pasted image 20231228164636.png
  • Skeletal features
    • Atlantoaxial instability
    • Short stature

Organ malformations and associated conditions

