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PathogenReservoirCharacteristicsVirulence factors and resistancesDiseasesAntibiotic of choice
Mycobacterium tuberculosisHumansAcid-fast bacilli Ziehl-Neelsen stain Auramine-rhodamine stain Gram neutral (do not stain well) Facultative intracellular Aerobic Löwenstein-Jensen agar Middlebrook medium Generation time: ∼12 hours [63]Cord factor: arranges M. tuberculosis in a serpentine cord → ↑ TNF-α release and activation of macrophages → granuloma formation Surface glycolipids: (sulfatides) inhibit phagolysosomal fusion Infiltration of nonactivated macrophages → escape of humoral immune response Multi-drug resistance: mutation in KatG (catalase-peroxidase) → INH conversion to its active metabolite → INH resistanceTuberculosisIsoniazid PLUS rifampicin PLUS ethambutol PLUS pyrazinamide See “Tuberculosis treatment.”
Mycobacterium leprae [64]Humans and armadillosAcid-fast bacilli: Ziehl-Neelsen stain Obligate intracellular Generation time: up to 13 days [65]Phenolic glycolipid I (PGL-1) LipoarabinomannanLeprosyDapsone PLUS rifampicin (tuberculoid leprosy) Clofazimine (add in lepromatous leprosy)
Nontuberculous mycobacteria M. kansasii, M. ulceransM. avium-intracellulareUbiquitousAcid-fast bacilli: Ziehl-Neelsen stain PCR Generation time: varies among the subtypes (faster than other mycobacteria)M. avium-intracellulare are frequently multi-drug resistantMycobacterium avium complex infection: disseminated nontuberculous disease mainly in immunocompromised patients (e.g., HIV/AIDS) See “HIV-associated conditions.”Soft tissue infections with draining sinuses (newly formed channels that lead from the focus of infection to the skin surface via a draining orifice)Are more drug-resistant than M. tuberculosis Clarithromycin OR azithromycin PLUS rifabutin (OR rifampin) PLUS ethambutol
M. marinumFish tank granuloma: skin infection usually of the hand that occur in individuals handling fish (e.g., aquarium handlers)
M. scrofulaceumCervical lymphadenitis in children
Mycoplasma pneumoniaeHumans are the only hostMicroaerophile Incomplete/absent cell wall (not visible on gram stain) Bacterial membrane stabilized by cholesterol Pleomorphic Generation time: (1–3 weeks) [66] M. pneumoniae: grows on Eaton agar → “fried egg” appearanceUnresponsive to beta-lactam antibiotics due to lacking cell wallMycoplasma pneumonia (atypical pneumonia) Cold antibody hemolytic anemia (IgM) Erythema multiforme Acute interstitial nephritis Stevens-Johnson syndrome (affects mostly children and adolescents)Macrolides (e.g., erythromycin) OR doxycycline OR fluoroquinolones
Ureaplasma urealyticumNormal urogenital floraUrocystitisDoxycycline OR macrolides (e.g., erythromycin)