• Definition: defect in neutrophil chemotaxis and microtubule polymerization dysfunction → defective phagosome-lysosome fusion
  • Etiology: autosomal recessive; defective lysosomal trafficking regulator (LYST) gene
  • Clinical features
    • Recurrent pyogenic infections
    • Partial albinism
    • Progressive degeneration of neurons and peripheral neuropathy
    • Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (can occur in the accelerated phase and is potentially fatal)
  • Diagnosis
    • Peripheral smear shows giant cytoplasmic granules in granulocytes and plateletsL53760.png
    • Mild coagulation abnormalities
    • Pancytopenia (especially neutropenia)


Chédiak-Higashi sounds like a mountain, where traffic are defected.