
Fabry disease

Pasted image 20231110170141.pngFabrite favourite

Gaucher disease

Pasted image 20231111091954.png Because you are crying, you need a tissue paper to wipe tears.

Tay-Sachs disease

Pasted image 20231111092449.pngEpidemiology: more common in the Ashkenazi Jewish population


Any diseases with a hyphen in the name will presents with Cherry-Red Macula.

Niemann-Pick disease

Pasted image 20231111093052.pngSphinger finger

Pasted image 20231111093232.pngWorld Galaxy Gala

Hunter syndrome & Hurler syndrome

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  1. X X link recessive
  2. The gun touches the hunter’s derm Heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate.
  3. Hunter doesn’t have corneal cloudy or he couldn’t see targets
  4. Hunters are aggressive
  • Hurler syndrome
    • Severe developmental delay & intellectual disability
    • Coarse facial features (eg, frontal bossing, broad nose, flat midface)
    • Corneal clouding
    • Hepatosplenomegaly
    • Death at age <10 (cardiac complications)
  • Hunter syndrome
    • Milder features than Hurler:
      • (+) Aggressive behavior
      • (−) Corneal clouding
    • Death in adolescence/early adulthood

Metachromatic leukodystrophy

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  1. Metapod can’t walk, can’t say, can demyelinate to butterfly


Glycogen storage diseases > Pompe disease also affects lysosome.