Definition: head trauma through strong rotational and shearing force


high mortality and a significant cause of death


violent shaking of a child


  • Rotational and shearing forces → shearing off of bridging veins → subdural hematoma
  • Shaking of the child with a weak neck support → respiratory problems and apnea → hypoxia → brain edema and ischemia → diffuse axonal damagePasted image 20231002103937.png

Clinical features

  • Inconsistent or implausible history from caretakers
  • Injuries are hardly evident or entirely absent on physical exam.
  • Retinal hemorrhages
  • Irritability or lethargy
  • Seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Tense fontanelle
  • Rib fractures


  • Non-contrast CT
    • Subdural hematomas and/or subarachnoid hemorrhage of varying ages
    • Reversal sign: diffuse blurring of the grey-white matter interface
    • Diffuse punctate hemorrhages


  • Always notify Child Protective Services.
    • Medical practitioners are obligated to report child abuse even if that means breaking patient-physician confidentiality.
    • Reasonable suspicion is sufficient; confirmation of abuse or neglect is not required for reporting purposes.
  • Interview child and parent/caregiver separately if possible.
  • Keep verbatim record.