Mesolimbic pathway
- Controls the motivation and reward systems of the brain (e.g., pleasure, positive reinforcement)
- Stimulation causes positive symptoms (e.g., hallucinations)
- Primary target for antipsychotic drugs used in the treatment of schizophrenia (e.g., haloperidol)
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Tuberoinfundibular pathway
- Dopamine release inhibits prolactin secretion from the anterior pituitary.
- Inhibition causes ↓ dopamine → ↑ prolactin → galactorrhea, sexual dysfunction, ↓ libido
- Antipsychotic drugs significantly affect this pathway.
Tubero Infundibular Pathway = This Inhibits Prolactin
Nigrostriatal pathway
- Controls motor function
- Altered activity causes extrapyramidal symptoms and movement disorders (parkinsonism in the case of inhibition, chorea in the case of stimulation). See Neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
Nigro Striatal Pathway = iNvoluntary movements, Stuttering, and Parkinsonism
Mesocortical pathway
- Controls executive functions, motivation, and reward systems of the brain
- Inhibition causes negative symptoms (e.g., apathy, lack of energy).
- Antipsychotic drugs have limited efficacy.
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