

Staphylococcus aureus- Approximately 35–40% of native valve IE cases
- Most common cause of acute IE, including persons who inject drugs and patients with prosthetic valves or pacemakers/ICDs
- Typically affects healthy valves.
- Usually fatal within 6 weeks if left untreated
Viridans streptococci- Approximately 20% of native valve IE cases
- Most common cause of subacute IE, especially in predamaged native valves (mainly the mitral valve)
- Common cause of IE following dental procedures, respiratory tract incision and biopsy
- Produce dextrans from sucrose that facilitate binding of fibrin-platelet aggregates on heart valves. This ability also enable it to survive on teeth.
Staphylococcus epidermidis- Bacteremia from infected peripheral venous catheters
- Common cause of subacute IE in patients with prosthetic heart valves
Enterococci (especially Enterococcus faecalis)- Multiple drug resistance
- Common cause of IE following nosocomial UTIs
- Following gastrointestinal or genitourinary procedures

Risk factors for infective endocarditis

  • Cardiac conditions
  • Noncardiac risk factors
    • Poor dental status
    • Dental procedures
    • Nonsterile venous injections (e.g., in IV drug use)
    • Intravascular devices
    • Surgery


  • Pathogenesis
    1. Damaged valvular endothelium → exposure of the subendothelial layer → adherence of platelets and fibrin → sterile vegetation (microthrombus)
    2. Localized infection or contamination → bacteremia → bacterial colonization of vegetation → formation of fibrin clots encasing the vegetation → valve destruction with loss of function (valve regurgitation)
  • Clinical consequences
    • Bacterial vegetation → bacterial thromboemboli → vessel occlusion → infarctions
    • Emboli can lead to metastatic infections of other organs.


Pasted image 20240629090443.png Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS): Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus

Clinical features

Cardiac manifestations

  • Development of a new heart murmur or change in a preexisting murmur
    • Tricuspid valve regurgitation
      • Holosystolic murmur that is loudest at the left sternal border
      • Seen in persons who inject drugs, immunocompromised individuals, patients with congenital heart disease, and patients with instrumentation in the right heart (e.g., central venous catheters)
    • Aortic valve regurgitation: early diastolic murmur that is loudest at the left 3rd and 4thintercostal spaces and along the left sternal border
    • Mitral valve regurgitation: holosystolic murmur that is loudest at the heart’s apex and radiates to the left axilla

Extracardiac manifestations of IE

  • Pulmonary manifestations: caused by septic emboli resulting from tricuspid valve involvement
    • Signs of pulmonary embolism (e.g., dyspnea)
    • Signs of pulmonary infection, e.g., multifocal pneumonia, lung abscess, and/or empyema.


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