The Master of the CountryExecution of AuthorityMonarchy: The country belongs to the emperorAristocracy: The country belongs to a few peopleDemocracy: The country belongs to all the people
Autocracy: People are above the lawPeople are the lawMonarchic AutocracyAristocratic AutocracyDemocratic Autocracy
Rule of Law: People are under the lawNo one can break the lawMonarchic Republic / Philosopher KingAristocratic RepublicDemocratic Republic
  • Monarchic Autocracy Model: Ming and Qing Dynasties (also known as absolute monarchy)
  • Monarchic Republic Model: 19th century United Kingdom
  • Aristocratic Autocracy Model: Pirate King of the Heavenly Dragon
  • Aristocratic Republic Model: I can’t think of one right now
  • Democratic Autocracy Model: Ancient Greece
  • Democratic Republic Model: Modern majority republics