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LigamentConnectsStructures ContainedNotes
Infundibulopelvic ligamentOvary to lateral pelvic wallOvarian vesselsAlso called suspensory ligament of ovary Ovarian vessel ligation during oophorectomy risks damaging the ureter
Ovarian ligamentOvary to uterine horn-Derivative of gubernaculum
Round ligamentUterine horn to labia majora-Travels through inguinal canal Derivative of gubernaculum
Broad ligamentUterus to lateral pelvic wallOvary, fallopian tube, round ligamentFold of peritoneum comprising the mesometrium, mesovarium, and mesosalpinx
Cardinal ligamentCervix to lateral pelvic wallUterine vesselsCondensation at the base of broad ligament Uterine vessel ligation during hysterectomy risks damaging the ureter
Uterosacral ligamentCervix to sacrum--