



  • Replication cycle
    1. Influenza viruses bind to the respiratory tract epithelium.
    2. Viral hemagglutinin (H) binds sialic acid residues (neuraminic acid derivatives) on the host cell membrane → virus fusion with the membrane → entry into the cell
    3. The virus replicates in the nucleus of the cell.
    4. The new virus particles travel to the cell membrane → formation of a membrane bud around the virus particles (budding).
    5. Viral neuraminidase (N) cleaves the neuraminic acid → virions exit the cell.
    6. Host cell dies → cellular breakdown triggers a strong immune response
  • Subtypes are differentiated by cell surface antigens hemagglutinin and neuraminidase (e.g., H1N1 is “swine flu”)
    • Hemagglutinin (H): promotes viral entry by binding to sialic acid residues
    • Neuraminidase (N): promotes the release of virion progeny from host cells by cleaving terminal sialic acid residues
  • Genetic mutations
    • Antigenic shift
      • Two subtypes of viruses (e.g., human and swine influenza) infect the same cell and exchange genetic segments (reassortment) to create new subtypes (e.g., H3N1 → H2N1).
      • Causes pandemics
    • Antigenic drift
      • Minor changes in antigenic structure (hemagglutinin and/or neuraminidase) via random point mutation
      • Causes epidemics (limited to a specific population or region)

Clinical features


Secondary bacterial bronchitis and pneumonia

  • Etiology: Common causative pathogens include S. pneumoniae, S. aureus (including MRSA), S. pyogenes, and H. influenzae.
  • Pathophysiology
    • Influenza virus attacks the tracheobronchial epithelium and results in decreased cell size and a loss of cilia, which promotes bacterial colonization.
    • The influenza surface protein neuraminidase also cleaves sialic acid off host glycoproteins, leading to an increased amount of free sugar in the respiratory tract, which fosters bacterial growth.
  • Clinical features
    • Development of a purulent, productive cough ∼ 4–14 days after an initial period of improvement
    • Recurrent fever
    • Symptoms similar to community-acquired pneumonia

