• Definition: painless accumulation of fluid in a sac around one or both testicles which derives from the tunica vaginalis, a tissue covering the testes
  • Etiology
    • Idiopathic (most common)
    • Congenital hydrocele
      • Communicating hydrocele
        • Occurs due to the failed closure of the processus vaginalis during development
        • Intestinal organs may also protrude through the processus and form an inguinal hernia.
        • Communicating hydroceles increase in size with the Valsalva maneuver and are reducible.
      • Noncommunicating hydrocele: no connection to the peritoneal cavity present
        • Due to extensive secretion and/or reduced reabsorption of fluid.
        • This type of hydrocele is not affected by the Valsalva maneuver and not reducible.
    • Acquired hydrocele
      • Secondary to underlying pathology (e.g., trauma, tumor, torsion, infection)
  • Clinical features
    • Fluctuant, painless swelling of affected scrotum
    • Positive transillumination