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  • Upper glandular layer
    • Parietal Cells: They are larger and have a distinct, round or triangular shape. Their cytoplasm appears eosinophilic (pinkish) due to the abundance of mitochondria. The nucleus is centrally located and often round.
  • Deeper aspect of glands
    • Chief Cells: These are smaller, and their shape is more columnar or cuboidal. They have basophilic (blue/purple) cytoplasm because of the high concentration of rough endoplasmic reticulum necessary for enzyme secretion. The nuclei of chief cells are typically basal.

GI hormones

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  • D cell Somatostatin : “Death Star” kills all other hormones
  • K cells “call to the Kitchen” GIP tells body dinner is ready
  • I cells “Iron chef cells” CCK cuts up the molecules for digestion
  • S cells “Stop right there” Secretin stops stomach acid production so the duodenum doesn’t get destroyed