Clinical features
- Direct arteriolar vasodilators
- Mechanism
- Increase the release of cGMP → relaxation of smooth muscle → vasodilation → ↓ afterload
- Agents
- Hydralazine
- Hydralazine is a treatment option in pregnant patients.
- Minoxidil
- Hydralazine
- Mechanism
In patients with long-standing hypertension, a chronic autoregulatory shift in the blood pressure–flow relationship occurs, affording less perfusion (flow) at any given pressure. Therefore, excessively rapid correction of blood pressure toward normal may induce relative ischemia.
- Hypertensive retinopathy
- Arteriosclerotic and hypertension-related changes of the retinal vessels
- Initial reactive vasoconstriction (vasospasm), followed by sclerosis with breakdown of blood-retinal barrier and subsequent hemorrhage and exudation
- Fundoscopic examination
- Cotton wool spots
- Retinal hemorrhages (i.e., flame-shaped hemorrhages)
- Microaneurysms
- Macular star (results from exudation into the macula)
- Hard exudates
- Arteriovenous nicking: a tapering of a retinal venule at the point where a retinal arteriole crosses the retinal venule
- Marked swelling and prominence of the optic disk with indistinct borders due to papilledema and optic atrophy (end-stage disease)
- The presence of papilledema in a hypertensive patient may indicate a hypertensive crisis and warrants urgent lowering of blood pressure