• Descriptions
    • NAFLD: non-alcohol related accumulation of fat in the liver cells
    • NASH: NAFLD with chronic inflammation and damage of liver cells
  • Epidemiology: very widespread
  • Etiology
    • Obesity and/or type 2 diabetes (metabolic syndrome)
      • Due to excess supply of nutrients in the liver
  • Pathophysiology: ↑ Insulin resistance
    • ↑ Hepatic uptake of fatty acids
      • Essentially, insulin resistance creates a situation where fat storage in the designated areas (fat cells) is impaired, causing the liver to take on an excess burden of processing these fatty acids.
    • ↑ Triglyceride synthesis
    • ↑ Peripheral lipolysis
  • Clinical features
  • Diagnostics
    • ↑ Transaminases (AST/ALT ratio < 1): The reversal of the AST/ALT ratio to values > 1 may indicate progression to cirrhosis.
    • Rule out other causes of chronic hepatitis (e.g., heavy alcohol use, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Wilson disease, autoimmune hepatitis, hemochromatosis, α1-antitrypsin deficiency)


There is more ALT than AST (AST/ALT < 1) if the Liver is infiltrated with Lipids.

  • Pathology
    • Hepatocellular lipid accumulation, mostly macrovesicular