
Abnormalities of morphogenesis

  • Agenesis: Absent organ due to absent primordial tissue.
  • Aplasia: Absent organ despite presence of primordial tissue.
  • Association: a collection of malformations that are often seen together and do not have a known, common cause
  • Hypoplasia: Incomplete organ development; primordial tissue present.
  • Disruption: 2° breakdown of tissue with normal developmental potential (eg, amniotic band syndrome).
  • Deformation: Extrinsic mechanical distortion (eg, congenital torticollis); occurs during fetal period.
  • Malformation: Intrinsic developmental defect (eg, cleft lip/palate); occurs during embryonic period.
    • Arteriovenous malformation (an abnormal, high-flow connection between arteries and veins bypassing capillaries which develops due to disrupted angiogenesis)
  • Sequence: Abnormalities result from a single 1° embryologic event (eg, oligohydramnios → Potter sequence).
  • Field defect: Disturbance of tissues that develop in a contiguous physical space (eg, holoprosencephaly).