• Degenerative (osteoarthritis)
    • Positional
    • Relieved with rest
  • Radiculopathy (eg, disc herniation)
    • Radiates to leg
    • Sensory & motor findings
    • Positive straight-leg raising test
  • Spinal stenosis
    • Pain with standing (spinal extension)
    • Relieved by spinal flexion
  • Spondyloarthropathy
    • Young men
    • HLA-B27
    • Relieved with exercise
    • Prolonged morning stiffness
  • Spinal metastasis
    • Old age
    • Constant pain
    • Worse at night
    • Not responsive to position changes
  • Vertebral osteomyelitis
    • Focal tenderness
    • Fevers & night sweats
    • Recent infection, intravenous drug abuse, or immune compromise