Iliohypogastric nerve

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Obturator nerve

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Pudendal nerve

  • Motor innervation
    • External urethral sphincter
    • External anal sphincter
    • Levator ani muscles
    • Bulbospongiosus muscle
    • Ischiocavernosus muscle
  • Sensory innervation
    • Inferior rectal nerves
      • Skin of the perianal region
      • Lower third of the anal canal
    • Perineal nerves
      • Skin of the perineum
      • Dorsal scrotum (men) or labia majora (women)
    • Dorsal penile (men)/clitoral (women) nerve
      • Dorsum of the penis/clitoris skin
      • Responsible for penile reflex erection
  • Pudendal nerve block: injection of a local anesthetic into the pudendal canal to block transmission within the pudendal nerve
    • Most commonly used during childbirth prior to an episiotomy or during surgical procedures involving the perineum
    • The ischial spine is used as a landmark for injection.highresdefault_L26104.jpg

Femoral nerve

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