Proto-oncogenes (tumor promoters)

  • ABL: Chronic myeloid leukemia
  • ALK: Large cell lymphoma, non–small cell lung cancer
  • BRAF: Melanoma
    • RAF is rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma
  • BCL-2: Follicular lymphoma(t(14;18)), Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
    • BCL-2 mutations are associated with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
  • HER1: Squamous cell lung cancer
  • HER2/neu: Breast cancer, ovarian cancer4b928077f7c2782a9e06547e907a6f0.jpg
  • MYC: Neuroblastoma (NMYC), small cell lung cancer (LMYC), Burkitt lymphoma
  • RET: Medullary thyroid cancer, pheochromocytoma
    • Mutations are associated with MEN2
  • KRAS: Colorectal, lung, pancreatic cancers
    • RAS GTPase
    • EGFR leads to downstream activation of KRAS.
    • Tumors with KRAS-activating mutations are resistant to anti-EGFR agents as they have a constitutive activation of a downstream signal that is independent of EGFR stimulation or blockade.

Anti-oncogenes (tumor suppressors)

  • APC/β catenin: Colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer
  • BRCA1, BRCA2: Breast cancer, ovarian cancer
    • Involved in repair of double-stranded DNA breaks
  • NF1: Neuroblastoma, sarcoma
  • RB (RB1): Retinoblastoma, osteosarcoma
    • Retinoblastoma protein (Rb protein): causes cell cycle arrest at the G1 phase by inhibiting E2F transcription factor.
    • Needs to be phosphorylated (rendering it inactive) to allow progression through the G1/S checkpoint
  • TP53: Most cancers, Li-Fraumeni (SBLA) syndrome (multiple malignancies at early age; Sarcoma, Breast/Brain, Lung/Leukemia, Adrenal gland)
    • Encodes the p53 protein that suppresses cell division and regulates DNA repair and apoptosis.
  • VHL: Renal cell cancer
  • WT1: Wilms tumor