
Obstructive lung diseaseRestrictive lung disease
Spirometric findings
FEV1↓ < 80% of the predicted value or the LLNNormal or ↓
FEV1/FVC↓ (because ↓ in FEV1 > ↓ in FVC)L66794.jpgNormal or ↑ (because ↓ in FEV1 is proportional to ↓ in FVC)L66793.jpg
VC↓ < 80% of the predicted value or the LLN
Flow-volume loopAir trapping: scalloping of the expiratory limb; seen in conditions such as emphysema and in patients who have undergone a pneumectomyNarrow flow-volume loop
Plethysmograph findings
RV↑ ≥ 120% of the predicted value or the ULNNormal or ↓
TLCNormal or ↑
Airway resistanceNormal
Lung complianceNormalNormal (extrinsic causes) or ↓ (intrinsic causes)
DLCOVariable (e.g., ↓ in emphysema, ↑ or normal in bronchial asthma, normal in chronic bronchitis)Variable (e.g., normal with extrinsic causes, ↓ with intrinsic causes)