Alpha receptor antagonists
Nonselective alpha receptor antagonists
- Irreversible, noncompetitive: Phenoxybenzamine
- Indication: pheochromocytoma
- High doses of norepinephrine can overcome the α-adrenergic inhibition of reversible and competitive Phentolamine
- Reversible, competitive: Phentolamine
Alpha-2 receptor agonists
Alpha-2 receptor functions
- ↓ Norepinephrine release and synthesis (negative feedback)
- ↓ Insulin release
- ↓ Lipolysis
- ↓ Aqueous humor production
- ↓ salivary secretion
- ↑ Platelet aggregation
- Clonidine, Guanfacine
- Indication
- Hypertensive urgency
- Tourette syndrome
- Symptomatic control of opioid withdrawal
- Adverse effects
- Orthostatic hypotension
- Sedation and CNS depression
- Rebound hypertension and headache caused by abrupt discontinuation of medication
- Respiratory depression
- Miosis
- Bradycardia