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  • Stratum corneum: outer layer of the epidermis
    • Consists of dead (anuclear), keratin-filled cells
    • This layer is constantly being sloughed off.
  • Stratum lucidum: thin, translucent layer
    • Located only on thick skin (palms and soles)
    • Composed of a homogeneous layer of keratinocytes with no nuclei or organelles
  • Stratum granulosum: also called the granular layer
    • Contains keratohyalin
    • This layer has waterproof properties.
  • Stratum spinosum
    • Composed of actively dividing keratinocytes with spinous-like projections (prickle cells)
    • This layer produces keratin and induces keratinization.
    • Langerhans cells are also located in this layer.
    • If undergoes malignant changes, will lead to cSCC
  • Stratum basale (also called the basal cell layer of the epidermis)
    • Stem cells of the epidermis (their daughter cells migrate upwards and differentiate into other cells)
    • Melanocytes and Merkel cells are also located in this layer.
    • The stratum basale is regenerative (basal keratinocytes proliferate to fill skin defects).


Histopathologic findingCharacteristicsExamples of associated conditions
AcantholysisSeparation of epidermal cells due to dissolution of intercellular bridges (e.g., desmosomes)Pemphigus vulgaris
AcanthosisEpidermal hyperplasia of the stratum spinosumAcanthosis nigricans, Psoriasis
HypergranulosisThickening of the stratum granulosumLichen planus
HyperkeratosisThickening of the stratum corneumPsoriasis, Calluses
ParakeratosisRetention of nuclei in the stratum corneumPsoriasis, Actinic keratosis
SpongiosisIntraepidermal and intercellular edemaEczematous dermatitis, Atopic dermatitis, Allergic contact dermatitis
DyskeratosisPremature keratinization of the stratum granulosumSquamous cell carcinoma