• Definition: an ulcerative lesion extending into the dermis that develops in the setting of bacteremia
  • Pathogen: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (not pathognomonic but is the most common causative organism)
  • Pathophysiology:
    • Classically develops in patients with P. aeruginosa bacteremia who are immunocompromised
    • Bacteria invade vasculature, causing septic vasculitis and cutaneous necrosis
    • Virulence factors destroy tissue:
      • Exotoxin A: inhibits elongation factor 2, impairing protein synthesis
      • Elastase: degrades elastin in blood vessel walls
      • Phospholipase C: breaks down cell membranes
  • Clinical features
    • Rapid progression (within 12–18 hours) of painless red macules → induration, development of pustules, vesicles, and/or bullae → crusted ulcershighresdefault_L85806.png