Tick paralysis

  • Definition: a rare syndrome caused by the salivary neurotoxin of certain ticks, characterized by acute ataxia, that progresses to ascending paralysis
  • Distribution: most commonly in the Rocky Mountains and northwestern US
  • Pathophysiology
    • Paralysis is caused by tick neurotoxin, which is produced in the tick’s salivary gland and introduced into the person’s blood.
  • Clinical features
    • Symptoms begin within 2–7 days of the initial tick bite.
    • Typically starts with weakness in the lower extremities
    • Escalates to ascending flaccid paralysis that progresses rapidly and can lead to respiratory failure due to respiratory muscle weakness
    • Sensory deficits are usually absent.
    • Cranial nerve palsies may occur (e.g., CN III palsy).
    • No fever or rash
  • Treatment
    • Locate and remove the tick
      • Removal of ticks usually results in improvement within 1 hour w/ recovery after several days