

  • Maternal risk factors
    • Folate deficiency during pregnancy due to:
      • Insufficient folate supplementation
      • Drugs that interfere with folate metabolism
  • Pregestational diabetes mellitus

Closed spinal dysraphism

Spina bifida occulta

  • Description
    • Most common closed NTD
    • Cause: failure of vertebral arch fusion
    • Vertebral bone defect without herniation
    • The spinal cord, meninges, and overlying skin remain intact.
  • Clinical features
    • Most commonly affects the lower lumbar or sacral region
    • Often asymptomatic (may be an incidental finding in imaging)
    • Possible symptoms at the level of the vertebral defect:
      • Lumbar skin dimple
      • Collection of fat
      • Patch of hair
  • Diagnostics