These are a group of psychiatric conditions that affect the self-regulation of emotions and behaviors beginning in childhood or adolescence (< 18).


Diagnosing aspects: emotion, consistency, intention, and severity. Every Child Is Special.

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)Conduct disorder (CD)Intermittent explosive
disorder (IED)
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD)
EmotionAngry (persistent)Angry (persistent)- Angry during outbursts
- Normal when calmed
- Angry during outbursts
- Angry or sad between outbursts
ConsistencyConsistentConsistentIntermittent (each < 1 hour)Intermittent (each < 1 hour)
IntentionIntentionalIntentionalFeeling regret and embarrassed about outburstsFeeling regret and embarrassed about outbursts
SeverityNot severe (no violence)Severe (violence)Not severe (no violence)Not severe (no violence)